We look forward to seeing you for the 66th Annual Canterbury Fair on July 27th – “Always the last Saturday in July!” 
Canterbury Fair Provides Fun for the Entire Family An annual volunteer-run celebration of small-town community.
Always the last Saturday in July, this year’s fair is on July 27th from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in Canterbury Center.
This year marks the 66th Year!
True to historic fashion, the fair will once again kickoff with the Woodchuck Classic 5k Road Race and 2K Chipmunk Classic Kids Run. “Don’t forget to sign up!”
The Canterbury Fair will also include your old time favorites. Some of these include children’s games on the green, a huge What-Not “tag” Sale, a used book sale, an abundance of live music, an antique tractor display, juried crafts, more than enough home baked goods to last the rest of your summer months and lunch offerings to satisfy every craving!
Many local organizations lend a hand to make the Fair a success and EVERYONE looks forward to our chicken barbecue! Tickets are available for sale throughout the morning of the fair. A full plate fit for a king. (and queen!)
Music will fill Canterbury Center for most of the day with a number of musicians. There’s a little entertainment for everyone’s taste. How can you go wrong tapping your foot while sitting comfortably under the shade of one of Canterbury’s beautiful, big maple trees?
The Canterbury Historical Society uses Fair Day to open their exhibits in the Elkins Memorial Building. Their one-room schoolhouse is also open for the Fair.
Parking is available nearby for a $5 suggested donation, with free bus service to the Fair. Canterbury Center is closed to vehicular traffic during Fair Hours.
Net proceeds from the fair benefit the Canterbury Fund, which aids local families in need.
For more information visit www.canterburyfair.com
“Reconnecting with the past for tomorrow’s future!”
Read more about the history of the fair
The Canterbury Fair would not be possible without the hard work and dedication from outstanding volunteers. We would love for you to get involved! Get in touch!
Connect with us on social media for all of the latest and greatest information on the Fair and the gorgeous town of Canterbury